After my first spot in Iowa City (former Vit’s restaurant – Photos), I moved right around the block to MC Ginsberg Jewelers. Wow – what a view from there!

Photo by Samantha Szlembarskie
This was also where KGAN CBS2 came down to show me on their Morning News Show on October 27! Details and watch a clip from the newscast here.
The only downside of this place was being directly above Pancheros! The delicious aroma of fresh burritos wafting gently upward ALL day will make anyone hungry!

photo by Zak Neumann
Next I went to the Old Iowa Capitol! On October 28, the Old Capitol Musuem and the UI Natural History Museum held their 6th annual Creepy Campus Crawl – a family oriented Halloween event. The theme at the Natural History Museum was ‘Superheroes’ so I felt right at home…

Photo by Miles Dietz

Photo by Kathie Gonzales
This next shot will take your breath away: Hotel Vetro – Plaza Towers.

Photo by Zak Neuman
Hotel Vetro – Plaza Towers was such a cool backdrop, don’t you think? I love the contrasting curvy lines and right angles.
On Oct 31, Halloween, I was on Micky’s Irish Pub & Grill. With Halloween falling on a Monday, I think many people had partied themselves out. But the people still going out were the hardiest and most enthusiastic – Did you see that zombie bridal party?! Amazing costumes. And, apparently, the bride and groom were really getting married!
I’m still waiting for a photo of me on Micky’s Pub to come in! If YOU have one, feel free to send it to me:
Click here to see all my activity in Iowa City.
Thanks for a great time!
The Kraken